Saturday, January 25, 2014

Offline mode in Android apps, part 3 - old db schemas

The first post in this series explained the first consequence on implementing the offline mode - performing the data migrations. In second part I showed a workaround for the rudimentary SQLite's ALTER TABLE syntax. If you have checked the link to MigrationHelper class I mentioned, you migth have noticed that it's just a tiny part of a larger library, which allows you to define database schemas. Note the plural "schemas": the whole point of this library is defining both current schema and the schemas for the older versions of your app. This post explains why do you have to do this.

Let's say in the first version you have the following data structure:
public static class User {
  public long id;
  public String firstName;
  public String lastName;
  public String email;
And the table definition for this table in your SQLiteOpenHelper looks like this:
private static final String CREATE_TABLE_USERS = "CREATE TABLE " +
    " ( " +
    FIRST_NAME + " TEXT " + ", " +
    LAST_NAME + " TEXT " + ", " +
    EMAIL + " TEXT " +
    " ) ";
In the next version you decide to keep only the first name in a single field, so you change your data structure accordingly and perform the data migration. In the snippet below I used the MigrationHelper, but you might have as well performed the migration by hand:
private static final String CREATE_TABLE_USERS = "CREATE TABLE " +
    " ( " +
    NAME + " TEXT " + ", " +
    EMAIL + " TEXT " +
    " ) ";

public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
  MigrationsHelper helper = new MigrationsHelper();
  if (oldVersion < 2) {
            .withMapping(NAME, FIRST_NAME)
Then you decide that the email field should be mandatory, so you change the schema and migrate the data again:
private static final String CREATE_TABLE_USERS = "CREATE TABLE " +
    " ( " +
    NAME + " TEXT " + ", " +
    " ) ";

public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
  MigrationsHelper helper = new MigrationsHelper();
  if (oldVersion < 2) {
            .withMapping(NAME, FIRST_NAME)
  if (oldVersion < 3) {
    db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + TABLE_USERS + " WHERE " + EMAIL + " IS NULL");
The code looks fine, but you have just broken migrations from v1 to v3. If there is an user with a null email field, the app will crash in line 13 above. But why, shouldn't the email field in v2 schema be nullable? It should, but this migration uses the constant containing the latest schema definition with different column constraint.

The worst thing about this kind of bugs is that it might slip through your tests, because the crash happens only if you have a specific data before the application update.

You migth be tempted to define separate migrations from every old version to the latest one (in our case migrations from v1 to v3 and from v2 to v3) and always execute only single migration, but this workaround doesn't scale. For each new migration you'd have to check and potentially update every existing migration. When you publish the app twice a month, this quickly becomes a huge problem.

The other solution is to make every migration completely independent from the others, and execute them sequentially. This way, when you define a new migration, you don't have to worry about the previous ones. This means that when you upgrade from v1 to v3, you first upgrade from v1 to v2 and then from v2 to v2 and after the first step the database should be in the same state it were, when the v2 was the latest version. In other words, you have to keep an old database schemas.

As usual there are multiple ways to do this. You can copy the schema definition to another constant and append "ver#" suffix, but it means there will be a lot of duplicated code (although this code should never, ever change, so it's not as bad as the regular case of copypaste). The other way is to keep the initial database state and all the schema updates. The issue here is that you don't have a place in your code with current schema definition. The opposite solution is to keep the current schema and the list of downgrades. Sounds counterintuitive? Don't worry, that's because it *is* counterintuitive.

In android-schema-utils I've chosen the third approach, because in the long run it processes less data than the upgrades solution - in case of upgrade from vN-1 to vN it has to generate only 1 additional schema instead of N-1 schemas. I'm still not sure if the code wouldn't be clearer had I went with duplicated schema definitions approach, but the current approach, once you get used to it, works fine. The schema and migrations for our example would look like this:
private static final MigrationsHelper MIGRATIONS_HELPER = new MigrationsHelper();
private static final Schemas SCHEMAS = Schemas.Builder
        new TableDefinition(TABLE_USERS,
            new AddColumn(NAME, "TEXT"),
            new AddColumn(EMAIL, "TEXT NOT NULL")
        new SimpleMigration() {
          public void apply(SQLiteDatabase db, Schema schema) {
            db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + TABLE_USERS + " WHERE " + EMAIL + " IS NULL");
        new TableDowngrade(TABLE_USERS, new AddColumn(EMAIL, "TEXT"))
            .withMapping(NAME, FIRST_NAME)
        new TableDowngrade(TABLE_USERS,
            new AddColumn(FIRST_NAME, "TEXT"),
            new AddColumn(LAST_NAME, "TEXT"),
            new DropColumn(EMAIL)
There are other benefits of keeping the old schemas in a more reasonable format than raw strings. Most of the schema migrations can be deducted from comparing subsequent schema versions, so you don't have to do it yourself. For example in migration from v2 to v3 I didn't have to specify that I want to migrate the Users table - the auto() migration automatically handles it. If the auto() is the only migration for a given upgrade, you can skip the whole upgradeTo() block. In our case that covered about 50% migrations, but YMMV.

If you go this way, your onUpgrade method, which usually is the most complex part of SQLiteOpenHelper, can be reduced to this:
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
  SCHEMAS.upgrade(oldVersion, mContext, db);
This part concludes the "offline mode" series. Here's the short recap:

  • If you don't want to compromise on UX, your application should work regardless whether the user is connected to internet or not.
  • In this case the user may end up in a situation when the application is upgraded, but not all data is synced with the server yet. You *do not* want to lose your users' data. You'll have to migrate them.
  • If you migrate your data, you should keep the migrations separate from one another, because otherwise maintaining them becomes a nightmare.
  • The best way to do this that I know of, is keeping the old schemas and always performing all migrations sequentially. To make things simpler, I recommend the android-schema-utils library.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Android SQLiteDatabase gotcha

In my previous post I mentioned a nasty SQLiteDatabase gotcha and recommended using the MigrationHelper utility I wrote. If you have checked this class's sources, you might have noticed a weird code. Before getting the list of columns the table is renamed to the temporary name and then renamed back:
final String tempTable = "tmp_" + tempTableIndex++;
db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + migration.tableName + " RENAME TO " + tempTable);
ImmutableSet<String> oldColumns = getColumns(db, tempTable);

final String tempNewTable = "tmp_" + tempTableIndex++;
db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + migration.tableName + " RENAME TO " + tempNewTable);
ImmutableSet<String> newColumns = getColumns(db, tempNewTable);

db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + tempNewTable + " RENAME TO " + migration.tableName);

private static ImmutableSet<String> getColumns(SQLiteDatabase db, String table) {
Cursor cursor = db.query(table, null, null, null, null, null, null, "0");
if (cursor != null) {
try {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(cursor.getColumnNames());
} finally {
return ImmutableSet.of();
Initially the MigrationHelper's code looked like this:
static final String TEMP_TABLE = "tmp";
db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + migration.tableName + " RENAME TO " + TEMP_TABLE);
ImmutableSet<String> oldColumns = getColumns(db, TEMP_TABLE);

ImmutableSet<String> newColumns = getColumns(db, migration.tableName);
It worked for a single migration, but didn't work for multiple migrations - the helper method for getting the column set always returned the columns of first table. Since the query was always the same, I suspected the results are cached somewhere. To verify this hypothesis I added to the temporary table name an index incremented with every migration. It worked, but then I realized I need to do the same for getting the columns of the new schema - otherwise the helper wouldn't work if the same table were migrated twice. This way the weird code was born.

But the same thing could happen outside of MigrationHelper operations, for example if you need to iterate through rows of the same table in two different migrations:
public void onUpgrade(final SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
  if (oldVersion <= 1500) {
    Cursor c = db.query("some_table", /* null, null, null... */);
    // use Cursor c

  // other migrations, including ones that change the some_table table's columns

  if (oldVersion <= 2900) {
    Cursor c = db.query("some_table", /* null, null, null... */);
    // try to use Cursor c and crash terribly
So I checked the AOSP code for the suspected cache to see how the entries can be evicted or if the cache can be disabled. There are no methods for this, so you can't do it with straightforward call, but maybe you can exploit the implementation details?

On ICS the cache is implemented as LruCache, so theoretically you could evict old entries by filling the cache with new ones, but there is one hiccup - you don't know the cache size, so you'd always have to go with MAX_SQL_CACHE_SIZE.

Before ICS you couldn't do even that - the implementation of this "cache" is just a fixed size buffer for SQLiteStatements. Once that buffer is full, no more statements are cached. This also has one more consequence - your app might work much slower on Android 2.x after upgrade from old version than after fresh install, because the db cache will be filled with queries used in migrations.

Fortunately the keys of this cache are raw SQL strings, so we can disable cache for migration queries by adding "WHERE n==n" clause with n incremented for every query (note that you musn't pass n as a bound parameter - the whole point of adding this selection is to make the queries different and force  SQLiteDatabase to compile another statement).

The question you should ask yourself is why do I have to know and care about all this. Isn't SQLite smart enough to see that I'm trying to access the database using prepared statement compiled against old schema? It turns out the SQLite detects this issues and raises SQLITE_SCHEMA error (commented with "The database schema changed"), but Android's SQLiteDatabase wrapper drops this error and happily uses the old, invalid statements. Bad Android.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

C# feature I miss in Java: extension methods

I'm primarily an Android developer, so when I checked the Java 8 features list I thought there is a lot of cool stuff, by sadly I won't be able to use them anytime soon. It's the same case as AutoCloseable interface from Java 7. It's available from API lvl 19, and seeing how long it takes Android community to unanimously drop the support for Froyo, Gingerbread and Honeycomb, I think won't be able to use it before 2017. Anyways, good stuff is added to Java, but there is one cool feature from C# I do not see there: extension methods.

Let me explain to you what they are in case you haven't wrote any C# code. In almost every code base there are simple utility methods which operate on a single object.
public static final class CollectionsUtils {
  public static <E> Collection<E> filter(Collection<E> unfiltered, Predicate<? super E> predicate) { /* ... */ };
  public static <F, T> Collection<T> transform(Collection<F> fromCollection, Function<? super F, T> function) { /* ... */ };

// usage
CollectionsUtils.filter(list, IS_NOT_NULL);
Things get ugly when you want to call multiple utility methods:
CollectionsUtils.transform(CollectionsUtils.filter(list, IS_NOT_NULL), TO_STRING);
C# allows you to add "this" modifier to the first parameter of static method, which basically tells the compiler to pretend that the objects of that type have a method with the same signature as our static method, sans the "this" parameter. Underneath it's treated exactly as the ugly nested calls above, but it allows you to write the code this way:
Syntactic sugar, but it goes a long way. I've intentionally choose the methods for this examples - whole LINQ-to-objects interface is based on extension methods.

Java 8 introduces a feature with similar name but completely different functionality: virtual extension methods. Simply put it allows merging the Foo interface and AbstractFoo abstract class with a reasonable implementation of some of Foo's methods. For example if your interface has size() method you can add the isEmpty() virtual extension method with default implementation returning true when size() returns 0. So it's a nice feature, but IMO less powerful than C# solution. Both solutions allow adding new methods with default implementation to interfaces you wrote without having to worry about backwards compatibility, but C# extension methods allows you also to extend 3rd party or even java.lang intefaces and classes to make their API cleaner or better suited to your particular problem.

I wonder why the C#-style extension methods weren't added to Java 8. Maybe there are some implementation issues I do not see, maybe there is a conflict with another language features, maybe the powers that be think it would be inconsistent with the language philosophy. Do let me know if you have such information.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Offline mode in Android apps, part 2 - SQLite's ALTER TABLE

In first part of this series I showed that to implement offline mode in your Android app you have to implement data migrations. If you're using SQLite database, it means you'll have to use (or rather work around) it's ALTER TABLE syntax:

So all you can do with it is adding the column or renaming the table, but in reality you probably need to alter a single column, remove column or change the table constraints. You can achieve this by doing the following operation:
  1. Rename the table T with old schema to old_T.
  2. Create the table T with new schema.
  3. Use "INSERT INTO T (new_columns) SELECT old_columns FROM old_T" query to populate the table T with the data from the renamed table old_T.
  4. Drop old_T.
Doing it manually is quite error prone though: for every migration you have to specify the new_columns and old_columns list. What's worse, in 95% of cases you just want to list the columns common for old and new schema. Fortunately we can automate such trivial migrations by executing SELECT with LIMIT 0 (or PRAGMA TABLE_INFO) for both tables, getting the columns set using Cursor.getColumnNames(), and calculating these columns sets intersection.

You can write a nice wrapper for this yourself, but a) I already did it, so you don't have to and b) there is a very nasty gotcha which would probably cost you few hours of teeth grinding, so do yourself a favor and check this repository out, especially the MigrationsHelper class. It automates the trivial migrations and allows you to define a mappings for situations when you rename the column or add a non-nullable column in new schema.

In the next two posts I'll describe the gotcha I've mentioned in the previous paragraph and show some other non-obvious consequences of doing data migrations.

2013 summary

One year ago I set myself few goals for 2013. Let's take a look how it went:

  1. I gave two talks.
  2. My blog was viewed over 13k times.
  3. I have published another game on Nokia Store.
  4. I have authored or contributed to several open source projects.

Meeting two out of three goals and some open source bonus ain't that bad. The gloating part is done, let's move to the wishful thinking part, a.k.a. goals for 2014:

  1. Keep giving the talks. I find that preparing the presentation forces me to do thorough investigation of the topic, question all my assumptions and prepare answers for potential questions. This is probably the best way to learn about something, and as a bonus you're sharing that knowledge afterwards. 
  2. Blog more. This year for each post I wrote I have added at least one more topic to my blog todo list. The resolution for this year is clearing this backlog and generating at least 25k views. BTW: when I started this blog I feared that I won't have enough content to write regularly. Bollocks.
  3. Publish at least one app on Google Play.
  4. Keep working on the libraries I have published this year. It might not be a perfect metric of how useful to others my work turns out to be, but I'd like to accumulate 200 Github stars total on the projects I authored or co-authored.
The only thing left to be done is to wish you a happy New Year!