Wednesday, November 6, 2013

SQL injection through ContentProvider projection

The SQL injection through query parameters is the common security issue of any system using SQL database. Android is no different than any other system, so if you're using SQLite database in your Android app, you should always sanitize the database inputs.

Obligatory XKCD
If you are also using an exported ContentProvider, you need to take care of one more vector of attack: the projection parameter of the queries. Just like SQLiteDatabase, the ContentProvider allows the users to specify which columns they want to retrieve. It makes sense, because it reduces the amount of data fetched, which might improve performance and reduce the RAM footprint of your app. Unlike the SQLiteDatabase, the ContentProvider might be exported, which means that the external applications can query the data from it requesting an arbitrary projection, which are then turned into raw SQL queries. For example:

'Bobby Tables was here'; DROP TABLE Students; --
* FROM sqlite_master; --
* FROM non_public_table_I_found_out_about_using_previous_query; --

Basically it means that if you exposed a single uri without sanitizing the projection, you have exposed your entire db.

So how do you sanitize your projections? I've given it some thought and it seems that the only sensible thing to do is allowing only subsets of predefined set of columns.

You cannot allow any expression, because you'd allow any expressions, including SELECTs from other tables and allowing certain expressions is not a trivial task.

You shouldn't ignore the provided projection and return all columns, because one of the benefits of using projections is limiting the amount of data retrieved from database. Besides, certain widely used Google application ignores the existence of Cursor.getColumnIndex method and assumes that the columns will be returned in the same order they were specified in projection. The other app won't work correctly, and the users will probably blame you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Android drawables stroke inconsistency

I've run into a funny little problem when creating custom drawables recently - some of the lines were crisp and some were blurred:

After few debug iterations I was able to narrow down the difference to the shapes drawn using the Canvas.drawRoundRect and Canvas.drawPath. The former looked much crispier. I've dug down to Skia classes and it turns out that they reach the same drawing function through slightly different code paths and I guess at some point some rounding is applied at one of them, but I haven't verified this.

The minimal example which demonstrates the issue are two solid XML shape drawables (which are parsed into GradientDrawables), one with radius defined in radius attribute, the other one with four radii defined (can be the same).

Besides satisfying my idle curiosity and honing my AOSP code diving skills, I have learned something useful: do not mix paths and round rects on Canvas and use Path.addRoundRect with radii array when your path contains other curved shapes.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thneed, notes and db design

We're starting to find more and more interesting use cases for Thneed in Base CRM codebase. The first release using it, and few other libraries we recently developed, was released just before the Halloween and we haven't registered any critical issues related to it. All in all, the results look very promising. I won't recommend using Thneed in your production builds yet, but I urge you to star the project on Github and watch its progress.

The Thneed was created as an answer to some issues we faced when developing and maintaining Base CRM, and this fact is sometimes reflected by the API. The example of this is something we internally called PolyModels.

Let's start with a scenario, where we have a some objects and we'd like to add notes to. It's a classic one-to-many relationship, which I'd model with a foreign key in notes table:

CREATE TABLE some_entity (id INTEGER);
    id INTEGER, 
    some_entity_id INTEGER REFERENCES some_entity(id), 
    content TEXT

Now let's introduce another type of objects, which also can have notes attached to it. We have few options now. The simplest thing to do is to keep these notes in a completely separate table:

CREATE TABLE other_entity (id INTEGER);
CREATE TABLE other_enity_notes (
    id INTEGER, 
    other_entity_id INTEGER REFERENCES other_entity(id), 
    content TEXT

The issue with this solution is that we have two separate schemas that need to be updated in parallel, and in 95% of cases would be exactly the same. Another approach is making the objects which contain notes sort of inherit a base class:

CREATE TABLE some_entity (id INTEGER, notable_id INTEGER REFERENCES notables(id));
CREATE TABLE other_entity (id INTEGER, notable_id INTEGER REFERENCES notables(id));
    id INTEGER, 
    notable_id INTEGER REFERENCES notables(id), 
    content TEXT

These two solutions work perfectly in the "give me all notes for object X" scenario, but it gets ugly if you want to display a single note with the simple "Associated with object X" info. In this case you have to query every model which can contain notes, to see if this particular association references the objects from this model. On top of that, the Noteable table approach requires some additional work to create the entry in

You can always have a several mutually exclusive foreing keys in your notes:

CREATE TABLE some_entity (id INTEGER);
CREATE TABLE other_entity (id INTEGER);
    id INTEGER, 
    some_entity_id INTEGER REFERENCES some_entity(id), 
    other_entity_id INTEGER REFERENCES other_entity(id), 
    content TEXT

But this solution doesn't really scale well as the number of the models which can contain notes increases. Also, your DBAs will love you if you go this way.

The solution to this problem we used in Base was to have two columns in Notes table: one holding the type of the "noteable" object, i.e. and the other for the id of this object:

CREATE TABLE some_entity (id INTEGER);
CREATE TABLE other_entity (id INTEGER);
    id INTEGER, 
    noteable_id INTEGER, 
    noteable_type TEXT, 
    content TEXT

The glaring issue with this approach is losing the consistency guarantee - no database I know of support this kind of foreign keys. But when you have SOA on the backend and the notes are stored in a separate database than the noteable objects, this is not your top concern. On mobile apps, even though we have a single database, we use the same structure, because all the other have some implementation issues and worse performance characteristics.

I'm not a db expert, and I haven't found any discussion of similar cases, which means that a) we're doing something very wrong or b) we have just very specific requirements. Let me know if it's a former case.

I needed to model this relationships in Thneed, which tured out to be quite tricky, but that's the topic for another blog post.