Saturday, March 23, 2013

libphonenumber crash on Android 3.2

Few days ago I saw the most peculiar crash on a tablet with Android 3.2:

Of course there is such field in this class, it works on every other Android hardware I have access to. This was a debug build, so it couldn't have been the Proguard issue. The other functionality from the package worked fine, the issue only appeared if I wanted to format a phone number using this specific format.

Long story short, it turns out that some old version of libphonenumber, which doesn't support this particular phone number format, is included in the Android build on my 3.2 device. You can verify such thing by calling:
inside a project without any libs - on this single 3.2 device it will return the valid Class object, on every other device I tried it throws ClassNotFoundException.

I started to wonder if any other libraries are affected, so I picked up some class names from the most popular libraries (as reported by AppBrain) and it seems there might be a similar issue with Apache Commons Codec jar. Fortunately there are no issues with stuff like Guava, GSON or support lib.

What's the workaround for this issue? Fork the library and change the package name.

Android UI struggles: making a button with centered text and icon

Every time I work on the UI of Android app I get the feeling that there is either something terribly wrong with the Android UI framework or with my understanding of how it works. I can reason about how the app works on the higher level, but I cannot apply the same methodology to Android UI, except for the simplest designs. I have read a lot of Android source code, I have written few dozens of sample-like apps, but I still cannot just think of the views structure, type it in and be done - for complicated layouts with some optional elements (i.e. which are sometimes visible and sometimes gone) I need at least few attempts and, I confess, sometimes I'm desperate enough to do the "let's change this and see what happens" coding. Extremely frustrating.

I'm going to describe my struggles with Android UI on this blog, so if I'm doing something terribly wrong, hopefully someone will enlighten me by posting a comment; and in case something is terribly wrong with Android UI framework, I might be able to help other programmers in distress.

Today I have a simple task for you: create a button with some text and icon to the left of the text. The contents (both icon and text) should be centered inside the button.

That's simple right? Here's the XML layout which comes to mind first:
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

        android:text="Button Challenge" />


Unfortunately, no cookie for you:

Someone decided that compound drawables should be always draw next to the View's padding, so we have to try something else. For example TextView centered inside the FrameLayout.

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

        android:text="Button Challenge" />

Almost there, but the text has a wrong size and color. There is something called "textAppearanceButton", but apparently it's not what the Buttons use:

OK, so let's use the buttonStyle again, this time on TextView:

Now we need to get rid of the extra background, reset minimum height and width and make it not focusable and not clickable (otherwise tapping the caption won't have any effect):

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

        android:text="Button Challenge" />

Lo and behold, it works!

We'd really like to use is something like textAppearance="?android:attr/buttonStyle.textAppearance", but there is no such syntax. How about extracting all the attributes from TextView into some "buttonCaption" style with "?android:attr/buttonStyle" parent? No can do either: you can only inherit your style from the concrete @style, not from the styleable attribute.

But what we can do is to use Button and create a style with no parent: Android will use the default button style and apply our captionOnly style:

<style name="captionOnly">
    <item name="android:background">@null</item>
    <item name="android:clickable">false</item>
    <item name="android:focusable">false</item>
    <item name="android:minHeight">0dp</item>
    <item name="android:minWidth">0dp</item>

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

        android:text="Button Challenge" />

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Android nested Fragments in practice

Last November I wrote about the new feature in rev11 of Android support package - Fragments nesting. Recently I had an opportunity to use this feature in practice and I'd like to share my experience with it.

The basics are simple: each FragmentActivity and each Fragment has it's own FragmentManager. Inside the Fragment you may call getFragmentManager() to get the FragmentManager this Fragment was added to, or getChildFragmentManager() to get the FragmentManager which can be used to nest Fragments inside this Fragment. This basic flow works fine, but I have found two issues.

If you have a Fragment with nested Fragments and you save its state with saveFragmentInstanceState() and try to use it in setInitialSavedState() on another instance of this Fragment, you'll get the BadParcelableException from onCreate. Fortunately it's an obvious bug which is easy to fix: you just need to set the correct ClassLoader for a Bundle containing this Fragment's state. There is a patch for it in support library project Gerrit, and if you need this fix ASAP you may use this fork of support lib on Github.

The second issue is related with the Fragments backstack. Inside each FragmentManager you may build stack of Fragments with FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack() and later on use popBackStack() to go back to the previous state. Pressing hardware back key is also supposed to pop the Fragments from the back stack, but it doesn't take into account any nested Fragments, only Fragments added to the Activity's FragmentManager. This is not so easy to fix, but you may use the following workaround:
String FAKE_BACKSTACK_ENTRY = "fakeBackstackEntry";

    // call replace/add

final FragmentManager rootFragmentManager = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();

    .add(new Fragment(), FAKE_BACKSTACK_ENTRY)

rootFragmentManager.addOnBackStackChangedListener(new OnBackStackChangedListener() {
  public void onBackStackChanged() {
    if (rootFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(FAKE_BACKSTACK_ENTRY) == null) {
Quick explanation: together with the actual backstack entry we want to add, we also add the fake backstack entry with empty Fragment to top level FragmentManager and set up OnBackStackChangedListener. When user presses hardware back button, the fake backstack entry is popped, the backstack listener is triggered and our implementation pops the backstack inside our Fragment. The backstack listeners are not persisted throughout the orientation change, so we need to setup it again inside onCreate().

Note that there are two issues with this workaround: it allows adding only one backstack entry and this setup won't be automatically recreated from state saved by saveFragmentInstanceState() (fortunately it does work with orientation change). Both issues probably can be solved by some additional hacks, but writing workarounds for workarounds is not something I do unless I really have to, and in this case I neither issue affected me.

Besides those bumps the nested Fragments are a real blessing which allows much more cleaner and reusable code.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Weekend hack: viewing markdown attachments in GMail on Android

Recently I wanted to open a markdown email attachment on my Nexus 4, but after clicking "" instead of seeing the file contents I saw this message:

I downloaded few apps from Google Play, but the message was still appearing. The same applications could open a local markdown file, so I went back to GMail app to download the attachment, but another unpleasant surprise awaited me:

There is no "overflow" menu on the attachment (see the screenshot below), which means I couldn't access the "Save" option, so I could open it as a local file.

At this point I was:
  1. Pissed off, because, cmon, GMail is probably the most used app working on the mature operating system and I can't download a fucking file with it.
  2. Curious, because it looked liked an interesting issue with GMail app.
The first clue was in the GMail logs in the logcat:
03-04 21:12:50.477: W/Gmail(13823): Unable to find supporting activity. mime-type: application/octet-stream, uri: content://gmail-ls/, normalized mime-type: application/octet-stream normalized uri: content://gmail-ls/
Note the Uri: there is no file name and no file extension, and the mime-type is a generic application/octet-stream (most likely because the "md" extension is not present in The markdown viewers/editors I downloaded probably register intent filters for specific file extensions, so they don't know they could handle this file. It sucks big time, because it means that the applications for viewing files with non-standard extensions would have to register for application/octet-stream mime-type, and even though they handle very specific file types they all appear in the app chooser dialog for many different file types, which defeats the whole purpose of Android Intent system and reduces the UX.

My first idea was to create an "GMail Attachment Forwarder" app which registers for any content from GMail, gets the attachment mail by querying the DISPLAY_NAME column on the Uri supplied by GMail, save this information along with original GMail Uri in public ContentProvider, and start the activity using Uri exposed by my ContentProvider which does contain attachment name. This ContentProvider should also forward any action to original GMail Uri.

Unfortunatly I was foiled by the ContentProvider's permissions systems: the Activity in my app was temporarily granted with the read permissions for GMail's ContentProvider, but this permissions did not extend to my ContentProvider and the app I was forwarding the attachment to failed because of the insufficient permissions.

This approach didn't work, but having a catch-all handler for GMail attachments unlocked the attachment actions. I also noticed that when the attachment is downloaded, the GMail uses a slightly different intent:
03-04 23:05:34.005: I/ActivityManager(526): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/ typ=application/octet-stream flg=0x80001 cmp=com.chalup.markdownviewer/.MainActivity} from pid 3063
This led me to plan B: have an app which enables the attachment download and use other apps to open downloaded attachments. I renamed my app to GMail Attachment Unlocker, cleared the manifest and source folder leaving only a single, automatically closing activity:

  android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoDisplay" >
    android:label="@string/app_name" >
      <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

      <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

        android:scheme="content" />
public class MainActivity extends Activity {

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


The full source code is available on my Github (althought there really isn't much more than what is posted here). In the end I also ended up writing my own markdown viewer (source code in another repo on my Github), because none of the apps I have downloaded properly rendered <pre> tags (hint: you have to use WebView.loadDataWithBaseUrl instead of WebView.loadData).